Sunday, November 6, 2011

Just found this...

Not everyone has pictures from an ultrasound from the day they were born!  We had an appointment that morning, got this ultrasound and never even got a chance to show the pictures to Daddy before she was born that night!  This was my favorite view:
We're doing well, this is the easiest baby to adjust to.  She eats and sleeps well.  She even sleeps through the our noisy household of little people and two dogs.  She's just precious.  She has smiled even while awake (perhaps because of gas...), she often smiles in her sleep and today I got to hear her giggle in her sleep twice! I'm in love...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The New Wiglet

Still at the hospital, but wanted to share some pics with you!  
Introducing, Phoebe! She was 7lb 6.5 oz, 21" long.  I had four hours of labor, two big pushes and she was out!  Ben's mom was my mid-wife again, helping me secure a room with a birthing tub, a good nurse, and countless other perks I don't even realize.  Also present was Ben's Grandma Harris, Sister Bekah and Aunt Val.  It was a quick one, so Ben's two other sisters who live farther away couldn't make it.  I like to make it a party when I push babies out.  :-)  Ben was also there holding my head up out of the water the whole time I was in the tub and held my hand while I pushed on the table.  

Phoebe meet Daddy, Daddy...Phoebe. They were both smitten, even while she was covered with yuck and still had a cone head!
The next day, she got to meet her big brother and sister, who loved her crazy toes.  

 The kids had wanted to name her Chrysanthemum or Petunia...they took the name news like champs.  

 Our new WigFamily
We'll have to impress her later, she's been sleeping an awful lot these past two days!

Speaking of which...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........