She's been smiling to herself off and on since she was four weeks old, but now at almost seven weeks, Phoebe can smile back at you, which she is most likely to do if you're Daddy. She also smiles when she's just sneezed or she's proud of herself for something, like holding onto your fingers while you pull her to sit upright.
Ezra* and Juni* have been sick for the past week, Ez is just starting to feel better and now me and Ben are sick too. We missed having Christmas with Ben's family today, it was a bummer. They Skyped with us so we could participate in the sibling white elephant gift exchange with them. Debbi wrapped up a symbolic present from us with a note in it stating what it was that they would get from us next week when we see them all again to do Christmas. We exchanged food items under $10 this time and we ended up "stealing" a giant Spiderman cookie since we had a very excited 5 year old boy sitting at the computer with us.
I've been finishing up some home made Christmas gifts this weekend while Ben is off work and can watch the kiddos while I'm upstairs sewing. Today, we woke up to snow and decided to decorate Christmas cookies:
Later, this evening I was looking up something I knew I blogged about a long time ago and with Ben and Ezra looking over my shoulder, we had so much fun remembering how cute and little the kids were just two years ago. I decided that I don't blog for other people, or rather, I don't need to, it's fun for me and we benefit from having a record of our adventures together. I don't keep a scrapbook and I'm not the best at keeping up with the baby books or journals I've started for the kids. Even though the knowledge that anyone could read what I write inhibits me at times (and should do), knowing someone (yes you, Grandma!) may read it, gives me enough accountability to keep it up. I appreciate the grace to slack when I want or when I've birthed a baby, but it's time to get back on a schedule of some sort for cleaning toilets, making meal plans, doing school and blogging. Well, let's get through the holidays, then we'll get super organized, eh? Here's hoping!
*Formerly known as Z and Juju. I like to keep my kids safe, but I also really like their real names, that's why I picked them. Besides, their real names are all over FaceBook, so what's the point of trying to feign safety?