Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Eggstra Interesting

Yesterday, I went to Olga Piorkowska's (Pure-koff-ska's) house. I met her at the Tuscarawas Center for the Arts where I took my pottery class. She was teaching a class on decorating eggs. Olga came from Poland 47 years ago with her family. She lives here, in New Philadelphia, Ohio. She was so kind to want to share her craft with me and actually decorated an egg before my very eyes. She's amazingly talented. I thought she painted them with paint, but no! She paints with hot wax then dyes them like we do at Easter, then adds more wax, then dyes again and again!

She then made yummy apple crepes for me! It was all so fascinating I just had to share it with you!

I finally finished knitting my first dishcloth (the very first one was tragic). I used Carolyn Majestic's easy dishcloth recipe and her fancy cotton yarn from her store, "The Giggle Patch". If you ever are in Dover, Ohio, you MUST visit!
They have beads AND yarn, heaven on earth I tell ya!

I watched Good Morning America today and they calculated that the average stay-at-home mother would be worth a whopping $138,646 per year in the business world if they were to be paid. This was based on a fairly low wage for multiple jobs (daycare, cleaning, etc.) for a 90 hour work week, which most mothers would laugh at. I did. Moms work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Can I get an Amen?

Finally, I discovered something interesting on my friend, Kristina's website, called "Bloglines". It's helpful for those of us that check a lot of people's websites to see if they posted. So, if you're my grandma, and this is the only website you frequent, this is not for you. Basically, you go to their site, sign up, then you add all your favorite websites to a "feed list" of sites. Then, when you look at the list you can tell who's updated and who hasn't. It uses a split screen to show you both your list and the site you click on. They even have an easy button for your toolbar to add sites to your feed list! Everything about this saves me time. Which enabled me to share this snappy information with you!


Anonymous said...

Look at you! You finished your first dishcloth - you should be SO proud of yourself. And yours is actually useful. I had no clue about yarn when I first started knitting, and I made mine out of acrylic. Acrylic = bad dishcloth yarn.

So. What's next? I vote for a hat. You will learn a lot about gauge.

oh, and about the whole stay-at-home mom pay thing? This is what really gets me. People that say, "oh, you just stay home?"
Um. JUST? Do people not pay good money for cooks, daycare, housekeepers, and financial planners (I spend at least 8 hours a month on finances)? Why is it only valued if you earn an actual income from it?

Those eggs are incredibly beautiful. You are so lucky that she shared that with you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I actually DO work a bit, but people STILL call me a housewife. As if even the little bit of paid employment isn't important enough to be valued.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful eggs! And I'd love a bite of the yummies she made for you. I told "the man" what my services would be worth in the business world, and he said I'm worth way more than that. But I agree with Kristina that my full-time mom status doesn't win me any accolades with most members of our society. AND . . . I'm super impressed with your beautiful knitting project. I haven't knit a stitch since D was born.

kimmy said...

hey looks kewl.. nice work on your knitting.. hey i took my first non stress test and he pasted within 10 mintutes.. he had the hickups.. it was cute..

talk to you later


Ivymamma said...

Wow, those eggs are amazing! and very impressive knitting! I have tried and the results are not pretty.

Stay-at-home mom may not have great pay now, but the retirement plan is awesome!!!!

Trish D said...

Those eggs are gorgeous! I have a good friend from the Czech republic, and some eggs that she gave to me are among our most treasured Christmas tree decorations. It always strikes me as kind of funny when I put them on the tree, but don't pull them out for Easter...