Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ice cream for breakfast!

I told Z that Daddy went to Utah. "Tootah," he echoed. Yup, that's where he's at. All the Tootah Day. Ben went out West for a week long road trip, mostly through Nevada, with his friend, Matt. He comes home tomorrow, and I can't wait! My mom was here to help me, so it wasn't so bad, but, I can't help but miss my man. I haven't heard his adventure stories yet, but their plan was to drive through Nevada looking for Ghost towns and volcanic springs to bathe in. Maybe I can get him to post next week to share about his trip! Then again, maybe not.

Well, early in the week (of course after Ben left), we got an offer on our house, we went back and forth three times in negotiations and finally came to an agreed price on Thursday. It's funny, it's almost $20K more than we bought it for, but it's about $30 less than we could have gotten for it three years ago. So, considering the current housing market, we're just thankful we got an offer.

They want to get the chimney and roof inspected, so if all goes well, it'll officially be sold soon. Yes, we're actively looking for a house now. We have one in mind that meets the land requirements that we're looking for. I'm excited to see what God provides in the next few weeks here, if it'll be a different house or the one we are looking at now.

I LOVE to house shop, I love to shop shop. I'm combing through real estate guides, on-line searches, checking out what I can find. Auctions, foreclosure houses, for sale by owner, mls listings are all game. I'm thoroughly enjoying the shopping part of this adventure, and wrestling at the same time how to be financially prudent. I've felt this entire thing is out of my hands from day one and that's a good thing.
Z's eating his Saturday morning ice cream for breakfast. It's a naughty tradition I started a few weeks ago so when he asks for ice cream everyday when he wakes up, I can say, "It's not Saturday." That is, until Saturday, when I get to say, "Yay! It's ice cream for breakfast day!"

I have a friend who did this kind of weekly rule for the ice cream truck. She'd say, only on Tuesdays, 'cause I guess the ice cream truck came everyday. Anyways, she got lazy and started telling them it wasn't Tuesday even when it was, because she didn't want to pay for it. So, one day she was in the car with her sister and the kids asked for ice cream and my friend said, "Sorry, it's not Tuesday!" and her sister said, "Ummm...yes it is!"

What I'm reading....
...and it's horrible...horribly convicting anyway...a good thing to read before we buy another house. My Dad arrived safely yesterday and he and my mom will be with us for two weeks. Perfect timing as we could use some help while we house shop and get some packing done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Looks like you're moving soon!! Congrats. Enjoy the time w/ your fam.