Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday's Adventures

Yesterday, Ben and his sister, Debbi, went to Kidron, Ohio to help some new friends of ours, Olin and Karen Geiser, slaughter about 80 chickens. They each had their part in the cleaning of them. Then they went to the Tuscarawas River and kayaked about 14 miles. They left at 7am and came home a little after 6pm...exhausted and stinky. Neither one took any pictures of either adventure and neither one is prone to showing much excitement, but Debbi said last night, "It was my kind of day."
They did bring back a few "mouse melons" from the Geiser farm. They look like little watermelons, hence the name "sandita" in Spanish ("little watermelon") but taste more like cucumbers. Here's where you can find the seeds to grow this recently rediscovered heirloom that evidently tastes good on salads. Z is not a big fan of their slighly sour taste, but I think they're neat! I'm still figuring out my new camera, sorry the focus is off! Have a great weekend!

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