I try to avoid
poopy topics. I really do. I just came back from play group and found that I'm not the only one who had a
poopy week last week though. I'm thankful that whatever sickness Z had last week it wasn't as
bad as some of the stories I've been hearing about
flu bugs. He only had a fever and
runny nose, but it kept us home all week and by Saturday I wanted to
cry. There were several days in a row I felt the only thing I did all day was change
diapers. Which, by the way,
Juju's grown out of her lovely
Fuzzi Bunz cloth
diapers. I'm now trying to decide whether to sell them or not. We're not planning to have more, but if we did, I'd be sorry I sold them.
Anyways, back to my
sob story. I'm busy all day filling land fills with used
diapers which makes me
sad on so many levels. This, in turn, makes me eat more. Well, maybe it's the breast-feeding, but I feel like I eat constantly. Speaking of which, I'm on a normal diet except for dairy. My belief is that dairy increases
mucus whether or not one is "intolerant" or allergic to it. I also believe that our daughter has poorly developed nasal passages, which I hear is pretty common. So, until her morning
congestion (4-8am) is better, I'm avoiding dairy. It felt desperate before when she couldn't eat during that time, but now she's big enough and has trained herself to stock up on milk before then and can go that time without a feeding. Thank you for your prayers regarding that matter. Our doctor consistently has maintained that she'll grow out of it, and I'm holding him to it!
I've been praying two prayers that I was always warned not to pray or I might get what I asked for. I'm praying for humility and patience. Yes, at the same time. Not smart. I actually avoided praying for these things my whole life until now. Yes, God does answer and yes, it
sucks. However, I told Him that I trust that He can teach me these things without using a giant life
crisis if He chooses and so far, He's chosen not to, so I'm thankful. So, my daily battle with Z that nearly brings me to tears and Juju waking up everytime I lay her down are somehow blessings that hopefully will lead me to be more patient. The patience lessons are pervasive and constant every day, the humility lessons seem to
strike when I'm least expecting them and
sting for a few days afterwards (see
this post for one of them).
So, my
poopy week is mostly my own doing, which I guess makes it
[Which is super duper fun to say!]