Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Money Saving on my Mind

In my efforts to be frugal, I've decided to wear glasses on most days. Sometimes, I still like to wear contacts, but it's not necessary that I wear them everyday, besides it requires I use cleaner each time and it shortens the life of my few pairs of disposable contacts each time. So, I'm going to go get my prescription renewed as it's been several years and I know my sight has changed and I figured the cheapest frames I could use would be ones I already own. When I worked full time as a counselor I had optical insurance and took full advantage of it. Hence, the three pairs of frames to choose from below.

So, I'm taking a vote. The top pair is my most recent pair and my oldest pair at the bottom. Pairs A and C are plastic frames, pair B is made of wire. Pairs B and C probably need adjusted to fit my face again as it's been many years since I wore them.

Money for Nothin'
I have to share, I've been making a go of the whole CVS shopping deals. I've found, since I'm a little slow, I need explicit directions on how to make the savings thing work there. I've shared before how much help I've found on MoneySavingMom.com (MSM) and that's been a primary source of CVS tutelage. Also, my friend, Kristina at Yarnsticks, has been holding my hand all the way. Here's what I've learned so far...

1) Stock up on stuff your family uses, then you're less likely to buy at full price just because you NEED it right then. Keep an inventory if you use a deep freezer, so you know what you have for meal planning purposes.
2) Gather coupons from on-line (help sites like MSM or the manufacturer's site), your newspaper, fliers that stores have when you walk in, mailers.
3) Compare store ads with each other and with your coupons you cut/printed out to find super savings.
4) Do NOT take your two year old with you to bargain shop. It was due to this that I neglected to get a free item that came with a "Buy two get one free" coupon AND that I neglected to use a second coupon that I had on a Buy one get one free deal, which would have saved another dollar. Totally defeating!

Here's a deal with explicit directions that YOU can do THIS week only (through Saturday, Sept. 13th) that I did successfully from a tip on MSM: 1. Print out THIS coupon from Colgate two times (it's at the bottom of the page). You may have to enter your info twice to get it to print twice. Each coupon is worth $1.50. 2. Go to CVS where Colgate Total Whitening is "Buy One Get One Free" until Saturday. Use both coupons. 3. Total cost would have been $4.98 (at $2.49 each), but with the CVS sale, it's two for $2.49, with the coupons totalling $3 you MAKE 50 cents and get two toothpastes. Isn't that so totally happy? Enough with the puns, we just made money. I know, it's not much to you old pros out there, but I'm just beginning and I'm excited. I'm hoping there's other newbies that benefit from detailed directions like I do. If for some reason you can't print out the second coupon, using one still makes it $1 for two toothpastes which isn't half bad.

A quick, happy update on Z and preparing for baby girl. Although potty training was a bust, we have made progress in the area of sleep with much thanks to Daddy! Saturday night Ben was inspired to say goodnight and leave the room when he put Z down. He stood outside the door while Z cried (he was already having a fit before he left) and ten minutes later Z was asleep. The next day we tried it again at naptime and he called, "Mommy, mommy, daddy, daddy, are you himing?" That's Z-speak for "hiding". Fifteen minutes later he fell asleep, no crying at all! It worked again at bedtime. Monday's naptime took longer for him to fall asleep because we missed his sleepy wave, but today, I read him a short book, prayed with him, kissed him goodnight and he said, "Bye!". He fell right to sleep! We've been laying with Z until he falls asleep for naptime and bedtime for two years and two months! I told you we're a little "doting". So, I was wondering how I'd continue this with two kids and praise the Lord, it can be done. It would have been nice to have a potty trained two year old instead of two kids in diapers, but that wasn't meant to be.

Finally, an update on the other things on my "Nesting To Do" list. Yesterday, I made a double batch of freezer jam (raspberry/blackberry), last week I made a quadruple batch of Gramma's six week bran muffins (technically good for three weeks after my due date), the week before I made six loaves of zucchini bread. I think this is what I have left to do in my two and a half weeks before D-Day as my friend, Chrisie, calls it:
  • Sew more Christmas and birthday presents
  • Sew doggie coats
  • Fill out as much of the "first year memory album" as possible ahead of time
  • Pack bag for me and another for Z for quick departure to hospital, just in case
I have a lot of sewing to do. I did have a lot of baking and now I'm quite done. It would be dreamy to make a quadruple batch of chocolate chip cookie dough balls to freeze and pull out as needed, but I'm not making that a priority.


Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you in my last email that my CVS doesn't make me buy something, if my total comes to zero or less than zero. Maybe your cashier just thought it didn't seem right for you to leave with stuff without paying. ;)

Oh, and I agree -- no CVSing with a two year. Especially when you have pregnancy brain.

congrats on the sleeping hurdle. It feels good, doesn't it?

Deanne said...

Having a potty trained 2-year old was quite ambitious, but it'll happen when he's ready. I've been changing diapers for over 7 years now and am seeing the light get brighter every day!!! Your day will come, hang in there! :)

However, I must admit to being most impressed with the shrinking of your to-do list! Wow, so much baking and freezing....that's awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Can you believe we don't have CVS here? I was kinda shocked after we moved. We only have Walgreens, and they don't doo all the coupon stuff that CVS does.

Oh, and I personally would make the cookie dough a top priority, but that's just me.